Vitamin D levels and COVID-19 severity

Vitamin D levels and COVID-19 severity

Some interesting new work was published on the relationship between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 severity.

Newsletter December 2024

Newsletter December 2024

Dear members of the round table and interested parties, as the year is nearing its end, we felt it was time for some reflection and plan-making, which we would like to share with you!

 Our thoughts on the after-ESPEN symposium

Our thoughts on the after-ESPEN symposium

This year the CMSM was again present at the after-ESPEN symposium. These sessions are organised by NESPEN, the Dutch branch of ESPEN, and discuss key talks and main takeaways of the ESPEN congress. 

What do we know about micronutrients in critically ill patients?

What do we know about micronutrients in critically ill patients?

Last week, a very interesting review paper came out that looks at the "main form and functions, special needs and risk factors, optimal treatment strategies, pharmacological dosing, and clinical implications". The researchers looked at several previous studies that investigated micronutrients, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, folate,C, D, and E, and copper, iron, selenium, zinc, and carnitine.

After-ESPEN symposium

After-ESPEN symposium

Just like last year, you will be able to find us at the After-ESPEN symposium. We look forward to sharpening our knowledge with the main take-aways from the ESPEN congress, and hope to be making some new connections while there.

Interview with Professor Lankadeva about sodium ascorbate (formula of vitamin C) to treat sepsis

By advancing the use of a pH-balanced formulation of vitamin C, pioneers like Yugeesh Lankadeva and his research team of The Florey in Melbourne Australia are offering renewed hope to patients with sepsis worldwide. As a patient representative and core group member of the CMSM, Idelette Nutma had the honour of interviewing professor Lankadeva earlier this month. 

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