Upcoming round table session: bringing micronutrients from the bench to the bedside

Upcoming round table session: bringing micronutrients from the bench to the bedside

We are very excited for the upcoming round table session, which will take place on May 16th. This session will explore the difficult journey of micronutrients from 'bench to bedside'.

The 'bench' will be represented by Dr. Angelique de Man. She will talk about new developments in her research projects on micronutrients, as well as discussing what she thinks are promising directions for future research in this field. 
Keynote speaker Prof. Hon. Mette Berger will discuss the next step. She explores how, despite evidence of deficiency, the government health authorities have even decreased their intake recommendations, based on wrong assumptions. She will make the case that only patient associations and going public might be able to change this attitude, and concludes that 'This Swiss example may well apply in other countries.'
The final player in bringing micronutrients to the patient are the pharmaceutical companies. For this step we will be joined by speakers from Pascoe. They will elaborate on their experiences producing micronutrients for clinical use, in their talk about 'How micronutrients like vitamin C go their own way and surprise you'. 

We are very curious what discussions these presentations will spark among the attendees, as we will be joined by medical professionals, researchers and patient representatives. Bringing these groups together is of great importance to us because observations by patients can be of great value in providing insight into what can promote quality of life. The connection of these insights with research by scientists takes us further; thus these two feed each other. 'Pieces of knowledge' (which would otherwise remain very fragmented) can be connected in this way to have a much greater impact.

If these topics piqued your interest as well, and you would like to attend this session through Teams, please reach out to us via our email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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