Round table and collaborations

The core group currently consists of  Idelette Nutma, Reindert Graaff, Roland de Wolf, Manfred Eggersdorfer, Marjo Kommeren, Jaap Toet and Chaja Hudepol. This group is actively working on spreading the philosophy through various channels, such as letters to the government, and contact with the media. 
Those that are interested in joining this collaboration, can choose between different levels of involvement.

Level of involvement

Based on the subject that the core group is working on, round table members can inform us how closely they wish to be involved, as this can vary per subject, based on their expertise. If a member wishes to continuously be involved as a sphere one or sphere two member, or wishes to not being involved anymore in general, they can contact the core group. 


Sphere one

Sphere one consists of members of the round table group, who wish to be actively involved in these processes, e.g. by giving suggestions on the work that is being done, sharing the work through their channels, and signing the documents that are written. 


Sphere two

Sphere two is a solution for those members of the round table that want to be involved in the process, but do not feel comfortable being an active advocate. We do appreciate the valuable input we receive from this group and will not put these RT members on the spot by asking them to publicly support the group. 

Collaborations and network organisations

From a patient perspective, the CMSM aims to direct more attention towards the added value of micronutrients in the recovery after critical illness. It would be wonderful if we could improve the recovery of patients in that way. To this end, the CMSM is always on the lookout for partners to collaborate with, so our patient-driven approach is strengthened by first hand accounts.


De Vereniging van Mensen met Brandwonden

To this end, we have been in contact with the association of people with burn wounds. Together we aim to collect the experiences of (former) patients, and look at the role that micronutrients played in their recovery.

Relevant organization: Alliantie Voeding in de zorg

The 'Alliance Food in Healthcare' is the dutch national expertise center of nutrition in healthcare. They realise improvements in patient health by making scientific insights in nutrition and physical activity personally applicable in healthcare and prevention. This is done in collaboration with the government, companies, insurance, point of care facilities and knowledge institutions. Asked by the ministry of health, they work on the National Prevention Agreement, focussing on healthy nutrition in point of care facilities, personalised nutritional advise for patients, and the inclusion of nutrition and prevention in healthcare education. 

A good example of research in this domain is the line of research by prof. van Zanten  regarding metabolic stress.


Sepsis en daarna

A few years back, the call came from 'Sepsis and afterwards', to direct more attention towards the role of vitamin C in the acute phase of Sepsis. The organisation soon found allies who stood up for the same cause, as mentioned above. They inspired each other. Gradually this grew into a collaboration of multiple experts and patient- and citizen organisations; the CMSM. Sepsis is a critical illness where the role of especially vitamin C has been repeatedly researched. These findings regarding micronutrients offer patients some perspective for better support during recovery.

Mijn Data Onze Gezondheid

Mijn Data Onze Gezondheid (My Data, Our Health) is a patient-driven organization that develops solutions for people with a physical or mental affliction. This is done by actively unlocking the ability of citizens to do research: Citizen Science.

MD|OG believes that the observations and findings, which we as citizens can collect, are of great importance to ourselves, the healthcare sector, and society as a whole. 


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